In restaurants and bars a 10% is included as tip by law. However, if you feel that the service was pretty good and deserve a recognition… Tips are, of course welcome.
Costa Ricans usually settle with what’s on the bill and rarely add something as it is not in the culture.
For anyone handling luggage $1 per bag is expected. Same in the airport.
Hotel maids, $1 per day. However is important to leave oit every day and not a whole lot at the end. Sometimes it happens that you stay four or five nights and it happens to be that the day you leave, the maid goes for her weekly day off. Plus… really attention improves!
Parking Guards.
When you rent a car you will see them almost everywhere…. watching the car and expecting something for that. You can give them $1 or ¢ 500.oo
Same deal as the hotel handlers, $1.00 per bag.
US dollars are always welcome as tips!!